Hello Graduate!
What an exciting time it is for you as you matriculate to that next level of education or into the world of work. The Second Church of God Education Committee is pleased that you have completed another successful year and would like to congratulate you by offering you an opportunity to submit your application for a donation from the SCOG Education Fund.
In accordance with the Education Fund Policy, it is important that you follow the steps below regarding
the application process:
Step 1
Complete Personal/Contact Information, including address, and making sure that you provide the names of schools and grades completed and entering. This is a very important step.
Step 2
List all school activities. If none, state N/A.
Step 3
Briefly identify areas in which you contributed to SCOG or any other church. If none, state N/A.
Step 4
List any extracurricular activities within your community in which you have played a vital role or activities that are leading you in a positive direction. If none, state N/A.
Step 5
Make sure that you provide the name of person submitting the application, the relationship to the graduate and the date of submission.
Step 6
Email the completed application to the Church Secretary at jwilliams8272@gmail.com no later than June 30, 2023. All applicants will be notified of their qualified award.
Second Church of God
Education Committee
Education Fund Application